Third Culture Kids Series Aerial View: Season 3 Review & Season 4 Preview - Episode 47


Welcome to Season 4! This Review-Preview episode is an aerial view of where we’ve been in Season 3 and where we are going in Season 4. We are in the middle of our two-season series of Third Culture Kid (TCK) guests who have spent some of their childhood living outside their passport country and then made the return trip back.

In this week's episode, we review our Season 3 TCK guests and share quotes and a few lessons from each of their interviews. Then we give a preview of the amazing TCK guests we have lined up for Season 4. They have stories of coming and going to and from Cameroon, China, Germany, Kenya, Philippines, Egypt, South Korea, Spain, the U.S., Uruguay, and Brazil. 

"Potential friends are all around us. And sometimes we need to just give people a chance." - Melissa Ens, episode 47

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