The Aerial Perspective: Seasons 1 & 2 Review-Preview - Episode 18

When on a flight, who doesn’t like to have a window seat and see the world from 20,000 feet up? This Review-Preview episode is that aerial view of our podcast where we reflect on themes from season 1 and a preview of our guests for season 2. 

Our season 1 guests spoke of themes like refining identities, dealing with overwhelm, and growing a larger appreciation for the world. Listen to Melissa and Tracy reflect on more themes and where to listen to them, and then hear a preview of the amazing guests they have lined up for season 2. Guests are from Ghana, New Zealand, Ecuador, and the U.S. who have round trip stories from their time in China, Kenya, and the U.S. Don't miss this Review-Preview episode for the window seat aerial view of season 1 and 2!

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